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This project is very much in the early stages of development. We have acquired a base understanding of mycological life cycles as well as the practices of growing and cultivating gourment mushrooms from start to finish. We have an individual that is also excited to pair his deep understanding of ceramics to the process of creating biofilters with mycelium grown in porous clay structures. All we know is that we are setting out in this direction in hopes of creating new ways to filter wastewater and to heal these lands. We have, after all, only barrowed them from the future generations to come.  


Mycoremediation is the practice of using the life cycles of mushrooms to clean our environment from heavy metals, petroleum contamination, and even plastics! Together we can educate ourselves about and practice these techniques for the betterment of our environments right here in Missoula!  We are only collecting research at this time, but hope to build a dialogue between people that may have an interest in this subject.



The first thing we learned from reading, "Mycelium Running," by Paul Stamets, was that it is possible to take an environment that is considered dead due to high levels of petrolium exposure and restore the environment to one that can be populated once again by microorganisms. This happens in a single life cycle of oyster mushrooms. In subsequent cycles, the research showed that plants and animals are able to repopulate these environments. For this reason, Paul Stamets's research interests us greatly! Learn with us as we move towards this endeavor.

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Missoula, Montana

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